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School Brochure

All you need to know about our school can be read in the brochure -

Uniform, times of the school day and much more (copy available from the school office)


Here is a summary of the key information:



Our uniform can be purchased from any outlet and does not have to have the school logo. The items below are required for all pupils: the Summer uniform listed is optional.


BOYS: Grey trousers Emerald green sweatshirt   Emerald green polo shirt


GIRLS: Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers   Emerald green sweatshirt/ Emerald green polo shirt


Little Doves As above but with a grey sweatshirt


Summer: BOYS - as above but can wear short trousers

    GIRLS - as above or green checked dress/ short trousers

Sensible (black) shoes are recommended for all pupils


Physical Education: Infant & Year 3 children get changed in class

Other junior children get changed with boys and girls in separate areas.


PE DRESS: Navy Shorts, Emerald Green Tee Shirt, Plimsolls


Parents are asked to provide their child with plimsolls, t-shirt, and shorts (which should be kept in a slipper bag in the cloakroom) for games and PE.  These should be clearly marked as should all clothing or bags which are left in the cloakroom.  No child can be excused from games, PE, or swimming except on medical grounds.  Every request to be excused should be supported by a written note from parents or a medical certificate.


We would advise parents not to send children to school wearing earrings in case of accidents which may damage or disfigure the ear.  Swimming with earrings is prohibited by Cumbria School Swimming rules.


If a child comes to school wearing jewellery, it must be removed before any physical activity.  Teachers are not allowed to remove ANY form of jewellery whatsoever so children will have to do this themselves.


"As a general rule, the Authority will not accept responsibility for damage to or loss of personal property, including clothing, and it is stressed that the responsibility for safe-guarding personal property rests with the owner".

(Taken from Cumbria County Council's instructions)




SCHOOL HOURS (32.08 hours a week)


The school hours are:

Infants   8.55 am to 12.00 pm mornings

Juniors   8.55 am to 12.15 pm mornings

Infants   1.15 pm to 3.20 pm afternoons

Juniors 1.15 pm to 3.20 pm afternoons

Little Doves     -various        3.15pm afternoon


A staff member will be in the junior playground from 8.45am daily. The Infant entrance will be open from 8.45am each morning and the children are encouraged to come into school independently and place their bags and coats in their lockers, if you need to speak with a member of staff, please mention it to the staff on the door as they can pass a message on to the teacher in question. These measures are in place as part of Safeguarding and creating a calm environment for the children to begin their day.


Children should not be left at school before this time unless they are attending breakfast club and have been handed over to staff.






There is a system in place at school, ’SchoolHub’, where parents and carers can pay and choose their children’s meals in the comfort of your home. If, however, you do not have access to the internet, please speak to us and we can assist you with ordering. Currently children in Reception Class, Year 1 and 2 receive ‘Free School Meals,’ which still need to be booked.  There is support for free school meals for low-income families.  Please email, for further information.




St Columba’s Breakfast Club.


Monday to Friday 07.45am – 08.45am.

This is a paid-for club, £3.50 per session.

Children have a healthy breakfast and then take part in various activities run by school staff.


This can be booked via the SchoolHub website, under 'Items'.

Deadline for booking is three days prior.  Emergency bookings, please contact the school office.





Afterschool Care

’Tea-time Club’ for children from 3:20pm – 5:30pm daily.


This club is run by our own staff. The children play games, have snacks and lots of fun. It is open to all children from Nursery to Year 6.    

This club is booked via the SchoolHub website, under ‘Items’.  Deadline for booking is three days prior.  Emergency bookings, please contact the school office.


The cost for this is

£6.50 per full session 3:20pm - 5:30pm

£4.00 for half session for 3:20pm – 4:30pm






Religious Education is not simply a subject we teach and offer our pupils; it is integrated into the whole life of our school and into all aspects of the Curriculum.  The scheme for RE, ‘The Way, the Truth, the Life, is used throughout the school. We try to help children deepen their faith and to live and share it with their peers and to participate more actively in the life of the Church.  We endeavour to work in close partnership with parents and parish.  The children are encouraged to know and love Jesus through prayer and reflection as well as through their knowledge of him in the scriptures.  The school has a policy for collective worship and worship activities take many different forms throughout the school day.  Parents do have the right to withdraw their children from curriculum RE and timetabled worship.  This is normally discussed before enrolment.



School Admissions


Any parent wishing to visit the school or to discuss their child's admission are welcome to make an appointment with the head teacher - telephone (01229) 471522.




Parents are welcome to contact the school at any time; the school telephone number is (01229)471522.  You will receive letters/Class Dojo messages informing you of the termly programme and relevant information concerning parents' meetings, sports, trips, concerts.

We like you to keep closely in touch with the school to learn of your child's progress and to discuss how you and the teacher may best help your child.

Open Evenings are held each term so that parents and teachers can meet to discuss children’s progress.  You will receive a written report each term too.

Meetings are also held on a class basis so that parents can come and listen to how the curriculum is presented in that particular age group. These take place for all classes to aid transition.  Other meetings are held to outline specific Curriculum items, when needed.





If your child has been absent or needs to be absent, you are asked to send a note or telephone the school office as soon as possible. If you fail to do this, your child will be marked as an 'unauthorised absentee'.  An 'unauthorised absence' means an occasion on which a pupil is recorded as absent without authority pursuant to the Pupil's registration Regulations 1956".

It is the school’s policy that if a child is absent and the parents have not informed us of this, we will contact them on the first day of absence. Children’s absence will be monitored, and parents will be asked to attend meetings if it falls below 95%.





Please ensure your child is punctual for school unless there is a valid reason.  Being even 10 minutes late can have a serious effect on the child’s learning.




The school has an Attendance Policy which is available for parents to read (see policies tab).  Attendance is regularly monitored, and meetings arranged if there are concerns. Our Welfare and Attendance officer, Mrs. Sue Mallinson monitors our attendance issues on a monthly basis.



This Single Equality Scheme is intended to respond to the teachings of Jesus as well as being in line with the Equality Act 2010.  All decisions in school are evaluated in line with all groups to check there is no discrimination.          

This goes beyond the school’s statutory duties to promote race, gender, disability equality and community cohesion and extends to the legislation protecting against discrimination on the grounds of age, sexuality and religion or belief. Race, gender, disability, sexuality, age, and religion/belief are known as the six equality strands.


The Equality and Human Rights Commission is the enforcement body for equalities legislation and can serve the school with a Compliance Notice it fails in its specific duties under the Acts.



