Children are introduced to picture books and, when ready, class reading books when they start school. Our primary reading scheme is the Oxford Reading Tree scheme, used all across the school. We recently purchased additional reading books for our library, at the beginning of 2020, for UKS2 pupils. This is supplemented by additional reading schemes to meet the needs of individual pupils (such as dyslexia-friendly Barrington Stoke texts).
Children are also encouraged to use books from class, school and local libraries.
In addition to our extensive reading library in school, we have also subscribed to the Oxford Owl eBooks scheme for children to access a wider range of books from home.
Children are encouraged to read for fluency, enjoyment and information.
The school library bus makes an annual visit to school to give children and staff an opportunity to supplement reading materials already available in school. We also subscribe to the library loan scheme to supplement our topics in school.
Overall we aim to enable children to be enthusiastic and knowledgeable readers.