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St Columba’s Catholic Primary School Governing Body

From December 2024


Mrs Claire O'Donnell


Ex Officio - Term of office ends when employment ceases

Mr Peter Craig (Chair)

Foundation Governor, appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster & Link

Term of office 4 years from 05/11/2022 to 04/11/2025

Mrs Teresa Baron

Foundation Governor, appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster

Term of office 4 years from 15/11/2024 to 14/11/2028

Mrs Annette Vandome

Foundation Governor, appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster

Term of office 4 years from 29/04/2022 to 28/04/2026

Vacancy X 3

Foundation Governor, appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster

Mr Daniel Prentice

Foundation Governor, appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster

Term of office 4 years 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2025

Mrs Michelle Sharpe

Staff Governor elected by school Staff

Term of office 4 years from 01/06/2021 to 31/05/2025

VacancyLA Governor

Mrs Kerry Salter

(Vice Chair)

Parent Governor, elected by parents

Term of office 4 years from 07/06/2021 to 06/06/2025

Mrs Ruth McKenna

Parent Governor, elected by parents

Term of office 4 years from 07/06/2021 to 06/06/2026

Mrs Carmen Athersmith

Associate Member

*Associate Member - no voting rights at FGB level, but at Committee level

Mrs Rachel JewellClerk to the Governors
Mr Paul LewisBursar


Declaration of personal and pecuniary interests. 


  • Mr Paul Lewis - Family member employed at Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School , Barrow. (Date Interest registered February 2022)Furness Catholic Primary cluster.
  • Mrs Annette Vandome - Braklon Ltd - member of family employed by this company which supplies school with food products. Family member employed at St Columba's Catholic Primary School.
  • Mrs Kerry Salter – family member employed by St. Columba’s School, Walney.

  • Mrs Claire O'Donnell - None to declare

  • Mr Peter Craig - None to declare

  • Mr Daniel Prentice - None to declare

  • Mrs Teresa Baron - None to declare

  • Mrs Ruth McKenna - None to declare

  • Mrs Michelle Sharpe - None to declare

  • Mrs Rachel Jewell - None to declare 



In Addition:

P Lewis, School Business Manager – attends Governor meetings, but does not have voting rights.

R Jewell, Clerk to the Governors – attends Governor meetings, but does not have voting rights.


All our Governors are exclusive to St. Columba's School: they have no affiliation to the governance of any other educational establishment.

Structure and responsibilities of the governing body, including financial interests and meetings attended.

Committee Members of the Governing Body


Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster



Resources Committee 

Paul Lewis (Bursar)

Claire O'Donnell

Danny Prentice

Peter Craig (Chair)

 Curriculum Committee

Claire O'Donnell

Annette Vandome

Carmen Athersmith 

Ruth McKenna

Kerry Salter (Chair)

Health & Safety Committee

Michelle Sharpe (Chair)

Danny Prentice (Vice Chair)

Annette Vandome

Peter Craig

Claire O'Donnell

Kerry Salter

Chair of GovernorsClerk to Governors

Peter Craig

Vice Chair

Kerry Salter

Rachel Jewell

Link Governor

Peter Craig


St Columba's Catholic Primary School does not employ any staff earning over £100K.

