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PE and Sport Premium

P.E. Funding Plan 2020/2021

2016/17: FUNDING £10440


Our aim this year is to build on the progress of last year. Our Sport Apprentice had a big impact on the life of our school, participation in clubs and PE performance data last year 2015/16. This can be evidenced in our school data file showing the progress made throughout the year.


Last year our funding was spent on our Sport’s Apprentice ( the impact of this is higher standards, greater progress, more variety of activity and clubs). Staff confidence has also increased as groups are smaller with the support of our apprentice.


Cluster Manager (the impact of this has been competitive events such as games and athletics in our cluster) and extra provision for sport ( greater opportunities such as cricket, hockey)




We have employed our apprentice using funding.


We wish to develop this further by providing extra training for the children with special talents.


Our new playground is being used to support co-ordination and gross motor skills for our children who need extra support in these areas.


Our extra curricular provision is to become more varied and relevant to the needs of the children.


Our new scheme of work means the curriculum will be even more focused.




Our aim for this year is to further increase progress. We have appointed a Sport’s Apprentice with Athletics specialism so we can enhance this area but also provide before school and after school clubs in a range of areas.


PE Funding


Financial Year Amount of PE Funding
2014/15 £10,315.82
2015/16 £9815


Amount of money spent:
What was it spent on? The Impact of funds on the Children and the life of the School
  PE Coach: Tennis

Children have become more skilled in this area and staff feel more confident in relation to teaching this area of PE.


School Data shows that Children have made expected or more than expected progress in PE.


Groups such as SEN, boys and certain cohorts have benefited from extra PE which has impacted on Literacy data.

  PE Coach: Hockey

Children have become more skilled in this area and staff feel more confident in relation to teaching this area of PE.


School data shows that Children have made expected or more than expected progress in PE.


Groups such as SEN, boys and certain cohorts have benefited from extra PE which has impacted on Literacy data.

  PE Coach Infant motor skills and Yoga SEN Children and KS1 have benefited and this can be evidenced in data
  PE Coach Cricket

Children have become more skilled in this area and staff feel more confident in relation to teaching this area of PE.


School Data shows that Children have made expected or more than expected progress in PE.


Groups such as SEN, boys and certain cohorts have benefited from extra PE which has impacted on Literacy data.

  Morning Table Tennis Club More juniors have become part of extra curricular provision

Cluster Events Manager


2015/16 Sport Apprentice who is an athletics champion

Children have played a variety of Sports with other Schools and grown in confidence in relation to attack and defence games.


This year will be: Great opportunities for infants, a push on athletics, extra sports clubs for all, extra PE where needed, continued high progress and new assessment systems.


Planning and evaluation outline

Funding used for? Amount allocated Is this a new or continued activity Summary of groups involved and timescale Intended outcomes. How will this improve achievement for pupils How will this be monitored and by who? How will success be evidenced? Actual Impact. What did it achieve?
Coaches   Continued ALL

More confidence for children and staff. Progress in PE High.


Extra exercise to improve concentration.

PE Co/Head



Events Manager   Continued All Experience of competitive sport with other Schools As above  
2015/16 Sport Apprentice  




More confidence for Children and staff. Progress in PE high.


Extra exercise to improve concentration

Half termly/Head  


In order to improve standards in school we have considered the best ways forward to spend our sport’s funding. 2015/16


  • Our school already offers a wide range of sports and we are often champions in several areas. We felt the funding would be best spent by employing a Sport Apprentice with specialism in Athletics
  • We wanted our PE lessons and the curriculum teaching and learning to be more target/skills based and effective. We wanted to use our money to offer more focused sport and clubs. Extra PE for those with needs and those with G&T
  • We wanted to use part of our funding as a cluster to employ a link co-ordinator to support cluster events and provide opportunities. This will raise the profile and the enthusiasm for sport


This year the funding was spent on extra sport for each class including Tennis, Hockey, Cricket, Yoga, Football, Clubs, SEN Support


The impact has been excellent in relation to progress in PE but also in terms of progress in Literacy: PE support has been personalised to each cohort and has impacted on reading and writing as well as PE.


90% of the school made expected progress in PE and 40% made more than expected progress.


Extra PE has also impacted on writing and SEN data.


We were champions in Rounders, Swimming and Football


Funding 2013/14: £5335


In order to improve standards in school we have considered the best ways forward to spend our sport’s funding.


  • Our school already offers a wide range of sports and we are often champions in several areas. We felt the funding would be best spent in increasing staff knowledge and children’s opportunities in other area such as gym, dance and new team sports.
  • We wanted our PE lessons and the curriculum teaching and learning to be more target/skills based and effective. We wanted to use our money to employ a teacher/coach with expertise in this area to model and provide inset and CPD for staff.
  • We wanted this teacher to train more staff helpers/parents in key areas
  • We wanted to use part of our funding as a cluster to employ a link co-ordinator to support cluster events and provide opportunities. This will raise the profile and the enthusiasm for sport
  • We want the new curriculum to be in place with clear and effective assessment systems.
  • IMPACT WILL BE EVIDENT as the quality of lessons will improve, we will have a greater range of activities, children will make progress and staff will be more confident in new or existing areas. The voice of the children will be listened to and extra areas provided.
  • In 2014/15 we have introduced more opportunities: Money is being spent on Yoga, Cricket, Netball, Golf, Tennis, Hockey,Table Tennis. We are trying to give our children further opportunities and train staff. We are putting the support where there is need.
  • We are using the support to help raise the achievement of some of our boys.
  • Details of actual spending are in files in the school office.
  • Can you see the picture of our table tennis finalists?

